Our parish is delighted to have two Nottingham Diocese primary schools. Please contact the schools directly to book an appointment to look around; you will be given a very warm welcome.

To apply for a place for your child at our schools, contact the Local Authority


St Joseph’s Catholic Primary Academy

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary Academy
Philip Avenue
North East Lincolnshire
DN35 9DL

Telephone: 01472 690672
Fax: 01472 200607

Headteacher: Mr F. McDonnell
Chair of the Joint Local Governing Body: Mr. G. Purdue

St Mary’s Catholic Academy

St Mary’s Catholic Academy
Wellington Street
DN32 7JX

Tel. 01472 357982
Email: office@smp.nelcmail.co.uk

Headteacher: Mr J. O’Connor
Chair of the Joint Local Governing Body: Mr. G. Purdue

In September 2022, our primary schools became members of the Our lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi-academy Trust incorporating Catholic schools across Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire.